Bird shadow puppet.

Made By Photo Guarantee and Returns Policy

We know you’re going to la, la love your Made By Photo purchase but if, for any reason at all, you’re not happy, we’ll make it right.

Old black and white photo of people crossing the street.

The Made By Photo Love-it Guarantee.
Your book, framed print or gift is a one-of-a-kind and is made just for you, by you.
Made By Photo does not proof, edit, or change your content in any way. We know it’s an extra step, but we strongly encourage you to proof your book, framed print, or gift before you publish – better yet, get a friend with a fresh set of eyes to proof it for you.
Your proofing checklist:
  • Typos, grammar, unfinished text, or other text errors
  • Low-resolution images that may appear blurry in print or onscreen
  • Dark images that appear dark on screen (Made By Photo doesn’t lighten your images to match what you see on a backlit screen)
  • Design issues, including book format, organization, style, color, and page layout
  • Duplicate images
  • Blank pages
  • Any other creative choices you made using our Made By Photo software
We know mistakes happen so if something is incorrect or if your book, framed print, or gift simply doesn’t meet your expectations, we’re happy to help. You will have 14 calendar days from the delivery date of your item to contact us via Made By’s Help Center with your concerns. We will either guide you through correcting the error and send you a replacement at no charge or we will refund you 50% of the purchase price of the item(s).*
On the off chance your item arrives damaged, with a material manufacturing defect, or a material defect in workmanship, contact us via Made By’s Help Center within 14 days of receipt and we will work with you to secure a replacement if necessary.**

This return policy is incorporated by reference into the Made By Photo Terms and Conditions and applies to you if you are a customer who is purchasing any personalized products from Made By Photo.

*Replacements or refunds due to customer error will be issued once in a lifetime per customer at a maximum refund of US $1000. All refunds will be issued to the same payment method used for the initial purchase. Please allow 30 days for a refund to be processed. You will receive email confirmation of all replacements or refunds. If you choose a replacement, it will be free of charge excluding shipping, taxes, and customs duties.

**Replacements due a material manufacturing defect: Replacement will be shipped free of charge including shipping, taxes, and customs duties. Refunds will be considered on a case by case basis.


You do you. We’ll cover all things quality.